Vlc media player closes immediately
Vlc media player closes immediately

vlc media player closes immediately

There are options to repair corrupted files if you find this is the root cause, but these aren’t always easy or reliable. For this reason, if VLC is not playing videos, always try a different file and see if this one works. The system might be overloaded, with not enough RAM or Hard Drive space to play the video you have downloaded.The video itself might have a raft of other issues, such as not synchronizing, missing frames, or a corrupt header.A security app, firewall, or other settings on your Mac could potentially block VLC or the file that you are trying to open.Your computer’s Operating system might have updated, causing potential playback troubles.The file you are trying to load could be corrupted, damaged, or even not supported by VLC.The VLC software might not have been installed correctly on your Mac when you initially downloaded it.Your problem could be down to one of these:

vlc media player closes immediately

From a crash when streaming desktop through to the screen going black or grey while watching, you will want to work out the causes of the crash. There are a few different reasons why VLC Player crashed. It helps to understand the reasons for VLC crashing on Mac, which can inform your next steps.

Vlc media player closes immediately